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  • Kameron Burns

Anonymous Was a Woman Book Club’s First Meeting of the Year—Scrapbook Social

Last Wednesday on the 18th of September, the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith’s on-campus book club, Anonymous Was a Woman, held a scrapbook social as they reigned in their first meeting of the year.

According to the organizer’s founder and president, Gabriella Stokes, the club “features one book per month that is written by a woman.” She says that these books are meant to “be a discussion starter to subjects that truly matter to us as students and people.”

The meeting started at 3:00 p.m., and on arrival, the atmosphere was bustling. The turnout was so amazing that extra chairs were required to accommodate every participant. Students were instructed to grab scrapbooking supplies from the front of the room, as well as snacks, take them to their unspecified seats, and talk amongst themselves as they put together an individualized scrapbook piece.

Advertised on the @anonwasawomanbookclub Instagram as “a general social where [they] will preview the books for the rest of the semester and get to know each other,” the meeting accomplished just that. Towards the latter half of the meeting (as book trivia was promised), a Kahoot was played by the remaining attendees as they competed to win one of three prizes.

Another notable aspect of the meeting was that while initially some people arrived alone, many of them left the scene with a new friend as they met others similar to themselves when enjoying the amenities of the club’s first meeting. Not only does the organization truly stand behind their guarantee that “all are welcome,” but their participants do as well, which further emphasizes the character of the Anonymous Was a Woman Book Club!


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