The HSSP (History, Social Sciences, Philosophy Department) is hosting a student research paper competition that is supported by funds from the UAFS Day of Giving. The awards for this year will be:
1st Place: $500
2nd Place: $250
3rd Place: $100
“Native Ground” will be the theme for this year. The theme is based on Kathleen Duval’s The Native Ground: Indians and Colonists in the Heart of the Continent. The research competition urges students to answer the question of what does the term “our land” actually mean? This is a broad interpretation and the HSSP asks the research questions include:
Who has a claim to a piece of land and how is that claim legitimated?
How does the claim of “this is our land” change over time?
How did indigenous people identify with the land?
How have they been displaced?
What population subsequently occupied that land?
In what ways have they recovered ancestral land?
The HSSP also requires students to write their papers in their English, media communication, history, political science, sociology, etc. courses and submit them for the contest. Some courses that the HSSP recommends are:
American Revolution with Rothera
Age of Jackson with Wing
Literary History with McCoy
History of Arkansas with Wing or Tarver
Historical Research Methods with Kite
Seminar with Rothera
Global Studies with Yamkam
Race Ethnicity Indigeneity with Meikle
The HSSP requires that the paper length be between 5-20 papers. This will exclude notes and the bibliography. Any papers that students write in their Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 courses can be submitted by April 1, 2025. Any UAFS student is eligible to participate in the contest. If a student is interested in entering the contest, they only need to go see their professor or Dr. Maher in Gardner 217 for more information.