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Long Night Against Procrastination


Updated: Dec 4, 2023

It's that dreaded time of year again! Final assignments, tests, research papers, and all of the long nights college students face. We are all prone to procrastination and the chilly weather along with the early nightfall does not help. The good news is that we don't have to do it alone! Join your fellow procrastinators in the library on November 30 for stress relief, tutoring, help with papers, and free snacks!

Several organizations on campus have organized an event that will help with the isolation and procrastination of the upcoming finals! The Academic Success Center, Babb Center for Career Services, TRIO STEM Student Support Services, the UAFS RAWC, and the Writing Center have put their combined talents and fortes together to help you beat the fall semester finals rutt!

They'll be providing the time and space for students to come together, complete projects, and begin studying for the biggest tests of the year! Help from all of their certified skill sets is immeasurably valuable, and they'll have stress relief activities like Chair Yoga and more! Besides, who can beat free snacks and good company? Join them 5:00- 10:00 and get an early start on the end of the year!


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