Every year, in the days leading up to Halloween, the year’s most-coveted costume ideas and inspiration are a very hot topic of discussion. Thanks to one of our favorite pastimes (social media) we are able to view and discuss with others around the world what we plan on dressing up as for the spookiest day of the year.
In order to generate further discussion on the hottest costumes of this year, and draw inspiration from, we asked UAFS students to participate in a survey and choose (or submit their own, unique choice) what they plan to be. The list of costumes within the survey was derived from some of the year’s hottest pop culture moments, television shows and movies, video games, and more.
After four days of gathering submissions, here is what your fellow UAFS students are dressing up as this Halloween:
Barbie and Ken (Pinterest / Miranda Reube)
Poison Ivy (Getty Images)
Santana from Glee (Fox Image Collection / Getty Images)
Super Mario Bros (Pinterest / @amandabermel)
A bottle of ketchup (halloweencostumes.com)
Clowns (Pinterest / ItsOverflowing)